Besty Dog Collars

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Barking Dogs

If your dog is barking excessively, determine why he is barking. Is he barking because he is under socialized, so strange dogs overstimulate or scare him? If that is the case, invest in some training classes or day care, which will help him become more relaxed in the presence of new dogs. Is he barking because he is bored? Make sure that he has plenty of chew treats and toys, and give him ample exercise. Is he barking to get your attention? Start training him so that this behavior does not get him attention, but quiet, calm behavior does. If you need help with excessive barking, consult a trainer. Especially if barking is a fear response, it is very important that a qualified behavior counselor work with you to ensure that the fear does not grow.
Devene Godau, CPDT-KA, Trainers
Academy, LLC, Royal Oak, MI
The best way to stop a dog from barking is to ignore the barking, thus not reinforcing the behavior. Even a simple "Fido, stop it," is attention that can reward the bad behavior, causing it to continue.
Dawn Nargi-Ferren, CPDT-KA,
Metropolitan Pets, New York City, NY
Most dogs have no clue as to whether barking is something good or something bad. Sometimes when a dog barks, he is ignored (owner in a jolly mood). Other times the dog is encouraged (owner sees suspicious stranger outside the house). And yet other times the dog is yelled at (owner has a headache). To help your dog know your rules, teach him what they are. Here is a good rule to start with: Barking is okay until the dog is told to hush.
Crystal Coll, All Ways Pawsitive Pet Behavior and Training, Queen Creek, AZ
To reduce barking, teach your dog to "speak." Barking only gets rewarded if he follows the "speak" cue. Heavily reinforce him when he's quiet, especially when you haven't asked for it.
Ann Dupuis, CPDT-KA, your Dream Dog, Randolph, MA
Be careful not to reward excessive barking with any attention-even negative attention. Instead, completely ignore the barking. Reward the dog with attention when the barking stops. Plus, you can modify the dog's environment to remove stimuli that trigger the barking (e.g., closing the blinds on a window facing a busy street).
Phhil Guida, Director of training, Canine Dimensions In-Home Dog Training, Marlton, NJ
Be sure to reward your dog during periods when he is quiet and not performing any unacceptable behaviors. For example, if he is sitting quietly and not barking, this is a perfect opportunity to reward him with his favorite treat or belly rub.
Dawn Nargi-Ferren, CPDT-KA, Metropolitan Pets, New York City, NY
Many dogs who bark and lunge at other dogs on walk are the same dogs who are home alone all day, looking out the window barking at dogs outside. I recommend covering the windows in the house so that the dog cannot practice barking at outside dogs. This, combined with additional training for walking outside, helps modify the behavior. For some dogs, just keeping them from barking at the window is enough to sop them from barking at other dogs when they are walked outside.
Carol Siegrist, CPDT-KA, Siegrist LLC, Dog Training & Behavior Consultation, Philadelphia, PA
Barking is intrinsically reinforcing, so be creative in reducing a dog's opportunities to bark when you don't want him to and reducing any external reinforcements that unwanted barking may produce.
Ann Dupuis, CPDT-KA, Your Dream Dog, Randolph, MA
Increase the amount of play, exercise, and distraction that your dog receives during the day. Inappropriate barking that occurs in the late afternoon and evening can be a sign that the dog is not getting enough physical and mental stimulation.
Phil Guida, Director of training, Canine Dimensions In-Home Dog Training, Marlton, NJ
Do not yell at a barking dog-to him, it's like you're joining the excitement. Instead, call him and engage him in an incompatible behavior like a down. After he is quiet, say "Shhh" and reward him. If he is too absorbed in barking to pay attention to you, try using a food lure or body block to interrupt him. (This means placing yourself between the dog and what he is barking at.) Then step toward him, which will cause him to move away from the source of his barking. Make sure to ask for another behavior after he is quiet and before rewarding him so as not to reinforce the barking.
Pat Blocker, CPDT-KA, Peaceful Paws Dog Training, Aurora, CO
The first step in obtaining peace and quiet is to realize that lots of barking is caused by the dog being lonely, board, frustrated, or frightened. These are all situations that you can help alleviate. A well-exercised, happy dog is more likely to sleep all day while you are not home. Spend time playing with, training, and exercising your dog.
Crystal Coll, All Ways Pawsitive Pet Behavior and Training, Queen Creek, AZ
For problem backyard barking, try taking your dog on a walk instead of letting him out into the backyard for exercise. The mental stimulation he'll get from the different smells while out on a 20-minute walk will tire him out (and help prevent nuisance barking) much faster than hours with the same non stimulating smells in the same non stimulating yard. If you feel that you don't have enough time to walk your dog, consider hiring a pet sitter/dog walker who can go over to your home while you are away and give Rover a much-needed break.
Dana Cooper, CPDT-KA, Woofers Canine Companion Training, Round Rock, TX
If your dog's excessive barking has already become a habit, don't expect to get it under control overnight. It takes weeks of repetition to replace an old habit with a new, more desirable one. If you keep up with behavior modifications procedures (such as teaching the quiet command). you will see a new pattern of barking develop. Instead of barking relentlessly at appropriately and for a reasonable length of time. It is important that you maintain praise, or your dog may revive his old annoying barking habits again.
Crystal Coll, All Ways Pawwwsitive Pet Behavior and Training. Queen Creek, AZ
Never use a muzzle for excessive barking. A muzzle does not allow a dog to pant, which is how he regulates his body temperature. Improper use of a muzzle can cause serious harm and even death. Instead, seek a trainer's advice for excessive barking because dogs bark for various reasons.
Darlene Koza, Scooter's School of Sit & Stay, Rochester, NY

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting Used to a Collar and Walking on a Leash

Dogs Don't come collar or leash trained. The basis of teaching your dog to walk calmly on the lead is teaching him to accept the collar and lead, which means getting him used to the idea that the collar is part of his "dog suit," and if he wants to explore the world outside of your home, the leash is the symbol of "walk." (Eventually, your dog will see the leash and make this happy association...and perhaps even bring the leash to you.) It is generally easier for your dog to adapt to a collar, although expect some fussing at first. He'll complain (by whining) and may rub his head on the ground in an attempt to loosen or remove the collar. He'll fast realize that the collar is there to stay, so do not remove it, despite his pitiful pleas. He'll get over it within a few hours.
Once the dog accepts the collar, put a small leash on it for your pet to drag around. The leash will seem like a toy at first-a string attached, what fun! Watch your dog carefully as he walks around the house with the leash attached, dragging. You don't want the leash to get caught on anything. Once he is used to the leash's dragging behind him, you can pick up the leash and allow him to lead you around. When a dog is confident on the leash-meaning he pulls it, as opposed to not budging or fighting it-teaching him to walk properly beside you is the next step.
Begin the walk only after the dog has sat calmly to have his collar on and continued to sit calmly as his leash was attached.
Once the leash is attached, it is important to make the dog walk calmly toward the door. If he jumps or surges ahead, gently correct him with a tug of the leash and return him to a sitting position. Make him stay, then move on again. Repeat this process until the dog is walking calmly by your left side.
Repeat the process when you reach the door. The dog should not be allowed to surge out the door or pull you through the open door. If he begins this behavior, return him to the house and make him sit quietly until he can be trusted to walk through the door properly. Starting a walk in control is crucial to creating a well mannered dog.
As you begin your walk, it is vital to keep the attention of the dog focused on you at all times. The dog should look to you for guidance, not take the lead himself. Every time you stop, your dog should stop. Getting into the habit of asking your dog to sit down every time you stop is a good way to keep your pet's attention focused on you.
Make sure your dog is looking at you, then move off again. If he begins to surge ahead, immediately stop and ask the dog to sit. Repeat this process until the dog is reliably staying at your side. Each time he does what you ask him to, reward him with a treat, a toy, or your praise.
If your dog pulls on the leash and you continue to walk away, you are inadvertently rewarding that unwanted behavior. Dogs learn weather you are actively teaching them or not, then learning the wrong things now will make learning the right things later that much harder.
Remember it is important to be consistent in your expectations.

Dog Lover's Daily companion
Wendy Nan Rees and Kristen Hampshire